Time for the new Sketch Challenge!!
It is time to start planning your next layout for this challenge. I searched and searched for just the right Sketch. With all the talk of circle cutters this past week one kept screaming "pick me, pick me". So here is the sketch for this challenge. Courtesy of http://www.pagemaps.com. I know that one person chose this sketch for a swap, so you may have received a layout based on this sketch. I thought since only one of us actually "made it", I would stick with this one. I know you all can be very creative and make some beautiful layouts based on this sketch. And as it was stated before, one sketch can have multiple uses and interpretations. For me though, I personally like to go by the sketch as closely as I can. So get out your circle cutter's and get scrappin'. Then e mail your entry to me at NISSY831@gmail.com. *Note this is a new e mail addy for me* Please submit them by Saturday, August 26th, 12:00 o'clock Midnight, your time zone. I will then post your layouts here and create a poll on the group. Good luck to everyone. :) I can hardly wait to see your layouts.

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